Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Russian Night Life

By Ryan Chapman

After any person subjects themselves to five hours of straight techno music, they begin to question who they are, where they came from, and what their sexual orientation is. I just asked myself the first two questions…

Nightlife in St. Petersburg is amazing. I have spent today recovering from the last two nights of partying. The first night was a citywide party where 200,000 citizens of St. Petersburg came together and to celebrate the graduation of all the high school students. I remember my high school graduation and do not recall anyone closing streets and having free concerts in my honor. Here it is much different, the largest street of St. Petersburg, Nevesky Prospect, is closed and drunk citizens and high school graduates alike litter the streets in celebration.

Last night, I went to the infamous Red Club. Being highly recommended by my Russian friends, the group of 11 of us went out with high spirits. Five hours of techno later, I forgot any form of dance I had learned in America. Dancing to techno is an experience that everyone should have once; flailing madly with the never-ending beats was an unforgettable time. Once the night was ending, the club’s private room opened up and to our surprise it was an American music dance room. I had never been so happy to hear Britney Spears music in my life…

With all the Russian culture surrounding us, I took a sojourn today to partake in some great American pastimes, McDonalds and Pizza Hutt. I thought back to the old Sylvester Stallone movie, Demolition Man, where in the future, the only restaurant is Taco Bell, which turns out to be a 5-star restaurant. Pizza Hutt and McDonalds in Russia are elaborately decorated, containing tons of modern furniture and designs. The quality of food also tasted a lot better, especially at Pizza Hutt, where the pizza was not covered in grease.

Its good to know that even in a foreign country, you can still find little footprints of our country’s culture, even if it does contain 50 grams of fat…

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